From a certain point, parents lose the opportunity to constantly monitor the behavior of their children. You will not accompany the 12-15-year-old teenager by the hand to the school, wait after school and follow him/her all day. Parents are at work and many children have a lot of free time most of the day.
from 12 000 rubles
At the same time, at this age many teenagers are still children in the literal sense of the word - trustful, naive, not having a formed system of values and prohibitions, but already striving to actively step into adulthood.
Parents should know that they can and should check the way of life and behavior of children outside the home and at home in the absence of adults in case of:
● Unmotivated changes in the child's behavior for the worse
● "Signals" from school
● When a child has friends, you do not like
● For your own peace of mind
● When there are no visible reasons to worry, but you have a bad feeling about your child. The parent instinct is one of the main ones, and it rarely fails.
How is a surveillance of children conducted?
We guarantee tactfulness and 100% privacy of surveillance. We perfectly understand all the subtlety and delicacy of the situation, when a parent orders a private investigator to check the child's way of life, and we will never let you down.
Professional investigators, leading external surveillance, will remain unnoticed both for the child him/herself and the environment: friends, company, teachers, neighbors.
Verification at the request of parents can be complex or include individual actions:
● external surveillance
● Installing a mini-video camera in an apartment or car (if your child already has a car)
● Analysis of behavior on the Internet (social networks, dating sites and so on)
Problems and dependencies, from which you can save your children are:
● Alcohol abuse
● Drug addiction (light and heavy drugs)
● Toxicomania
● Smoking
● Gambling
● Involvement in criminal activities
● Sects
● Acquisition of antisocial behavior
The information received about how a child spends free time after school or studies at a university is personally handed over to one of his parents, and then it is destroyed from all our carriers, which excludes its getting into third parties’ hands. If you find that an additional investigation is required, we are ready to take it.
Sometimes only timely and competent intervention of parents can save the child from the negative consequences of ill-considered behavior. Call us!
Check of marital infidelity
Method of secret external surveillance will help you find out the truth within 3 days.
External observation
It is a universal way to learn a lot about any person.
Stationary surveillance
Is a type of external surveillance for obtaining important information.
If you feel that you are being watched, or you know it for sure, counter-observation will help to stop surveillance and find out who and why was doing it.
Search for missing
We are searching for those who gone missing, both adults and children, no matter how long ago it happened.
Information security audit
Personal and corporate IT security
Collection of information about a person
Any specific information at your request, or a complete information profile on a person.
Criminal tracking
Looking for criminals, including especially dangerous, in Russia and abroad.
Search for stolen cars
This can effectively help owners of hijacked cars both shortly after incident and for long time committed hijackings.
Information by phone number
All information about a person by mobile phone number.
Information by vehicle registration number
All information about a person by vehicle registration number.
Lie detector
It is a voluntary test of a person on a high-precision modern polygraph for resolving conflict situations and discovering the truth.
Return of the husband or wife to the family by «pick up» method
It is a legal and effective method of destroying the extramarital affair and returning a person to the family.
Silent surveillance in land and air transport
Is a kind of external observation of movement of a person you are interested in.
Information from social networks
This service will help to find what your partner is doing and with whom he/she communicates on the Internet, reveal a virtual affair and warn you if it may turn into a real infidelity.
Help in case of conflict with law enforcement agencies
It is difficult for a law-abiding citizen to imagine how quickly and irreversibly the life may change for the worse if one becomes a criminal in the case even by mistake or by the slander of interested third parties, which is not uncommon.
Verification of an alibi
Alibi verification is a comprehensive service to establish involvement (non-involvement) of a suspected person in certain events. It can be used both to verify circumstances relevant to judicial proceedings and to verify marital fidelity.
Legal assistance to people in detention facilities
Do not panic, do not get depressed, do not throw money away, giving them to scammers trying to make a fortune on your grief. Apply to professionals!
Comprehensive verification of biographical data of domestic staff
Quickly, confidentially and with a 100% guarantee
Working with archives in Russia and abroad
Finding relatives and inheritance, affirming kinship, documenting Jewishness, restoring historical truth, helping to compile a genealogical tree
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